Great Visit at Sunkist Elementary!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Happy Friday! Learning and fun at Parkview Elementary!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Military personnel from NBVC on campus at Bard School for Read Across America. #HESDpride
over 5 years ago, David Ragsdale
Awesome hip hop performance at Hathaway today! Thank you Hip Hop Mindset! #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
Hathaway front office remodel moving along!
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
Blackstock Junior High - talented staff- positive things happening here!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Hueneme Elementary School is shining bright! #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Hathaway 🏀 finishes league play undefeated heading into the playoffs! Congrats!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Congratulations to Sunkist School for presenting their Circle of Friends program at the Ventura County Office of Education last night.
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Grade 5 students at Williams participated in a town hall meeting as part of their integrated unit authentic assessment.
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Thanks to Williams Elementary for inviting me to help chaperone today’s field trip to the Tall Ship at the Channel Islands Harbor. #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Great inquiry and investigation at the Bard Science Fair.
over 5 years ago, David Castellano
Circle of Friends Program at Williams Elementary.
Making a friendship chain was so much fun!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Family Science Night at Beach Elementary School!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
So impressed with all the learning and great teaching I observed while visiting Williams School this morning! In addition, I was able to visit with parents who attended the Cafecito con las Directoras this morning. Thank you to all the parents who attended. #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
So much learning happening at EO Green today- Kudos!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Another successful professional learning day! Grade 4 and 5 teachers working on authentic assessments and integrated unit planning.
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
It is a full house as the E.O. Green band takes the stage tonight at the Oceanview Pavilion. #hesdpride
almost 6 years ago, Christine Walker
Haycox winter extravaganza in full swing! So happy the arts are alive and well in Hueneme ESD! #hesdpride
almost 6 years ago, Christine Walker
Mrs Foley at Bard shares the
Duke’s Arcade projects created by GATE students.
almost 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove